-Buildings- Improvements- Palace same Barracks same City Walls same Library Lore-house Marketplace same Aqueduct same\City Reservoir Granary same Temple Altar Courthouse Gallows Harbor Port Civil Defense Keep Wealth Trade Police Station City Guard Colloseum Tavern Factory Sawmill Cathedral Temple University Library Bank Merchant's Guild Commercial Dock Trading Port Stock Exchange Treasury Manufacturing Plant Smithy Coal Plant Furnace Hydro plant Mill Hospital Apothecary Research lab Royal Archives Offshore Platform Fishery Mass transit Ferry Nuclear Plant Mithril Mine Small Wonders- Iron Works Ruins of Utumno Heroic Epic Narn i Hin Hurin\Lay of Luthien Pentagon Falls Rauros Miltary Academy Halls of Moot Forbidden Palace Wall Street Treasury Apollo delete SDI delete Intelligence Center Dome of Stars Battlefield Medicine Houses of Healing? Great Wonders- Oracle Stone of the Hapless Great Library Mathom-house Great Lighthouse Elostirion Sistine Chapel Thousand Caves Sun Tzu Tower of the Guard Leonardo's The forges of Barad-dur JS Bach Golden Perch Newtons uni Chamber of Mazarbul Pyramids Mrtn's 'three pit' idea Smith's trading North Road Of Eriador Shakespear's Hall of Fire Hanging Gardens Great Hall of Feasts Colossus Tower of the King Great Wall Gates of Mordor Magellan Voyage of Earendil Copernicus Tower of Ecthelion Universal Suffrage Tower of Dol Guldur Hoover Dam delete Manhattan delete Cure for Cancer Hornbowers Farms Longevity Haven of Umbar Theory of Evolution Red Book of Westmarch UN Councils of Aragorn SETI House of the M¡rdain Internet delete