#GOOD_Iron ^ ^ ^[Iron] is a $LINK needed to build the majority of military units. ^Iron appears when your civilization learns $LINK<***=TECH_***> Iron can be found in $LINK and $LINK. #DESC_GOOD_Iron ^ ^ ^This ancient metal was common way before the First age of the sun, used both by the Enemy and the Elves. From the Iron Crown of Morgoth, to the Armor of the Dwarves, Iron is a necessary strategic resource. #GOOD_Horses ^ ^ ^[Horses] are $LINK required to build mounted military units. ^ ^Horses appear when your civilization discovers $LINK<***=TECH_***> and can be found in $LINK, $LINK, and $LINK. #DESC_GOOD_Horses ^ ^ ^Horses were very versatile animals, used by nearly every tribe in Middle-earth. Horses were regarded as noble animals, but this did not stop Mordor from corrupting them to it’s uses. No tribe can claim a closer bond with these beasts than the Rohirrim, ‘master of horses’. The Rohirrim herded their steeds from pasture to pasture in the realm of Rohan, the kinship with horse was so strong that each horse of Rohan was named. From the Elves, who rode without bridle, to the black steeds of the Nazgul, horses played a large part in the Middle-earth. #GOOD_Timber ^ ^ ^[Timber] is one of the $LINK and is needed to build certain archer and large ships. ^ ^Timber appears when you learn $LINK<***=TECH_***> and can be found in $LINK. #DESC_GOOD_Timber ^ ^ ^In Middle-earth, vast quantities of timber can be found in forests. It is necessary to have enough timber for use of ships. In Númenórë the Edain needed to replant forests to make sure they would be able to support their vast armada. You will not need timber to build most transports, but it will be required to build warships. #GOOD_Stone ^ ^ ^[Stone] is a $LINK required to build Large defenses, Improvments, and Wonders. ^ ^Stone deposits appear when your civilization discovers $LINK<***=TECH_***>, stone can be found in $LINK and $LINK. #DESC_GOOD_Stone ^ ^ ^Large quarries were required to construct such many wonders and walls in Middle-earth, naturally cities next to mountains could construct these wonders easier. This resource is a must for those who wish to peacefully build their civilization to it’s strongest. #GOOD_Wolves ^ ^ ^[Wolves] are $LINK required for Mordor, Angmar, and Isengards mounted units. ^ ^Wolves appear when your tribe learns to $LINK<***=TECH_***>, wolves can be found in $LINK and $LINK. #DESC_GOOD_Wolves ^ ^ ^Wolves were in alliance with Mordor, and were used too raid in enemy territory. Not until the arrival of the Wargs, a Mannish name for wolves, but applied to the ‘werewolf’ like creatures, who could only manifest in the night, turning into their hideous forms of evil wolves. These Wargs were stronger, swifter, and smarter. The Wargs however had a weakness. They, like the Orcs, shunned the light of the Sun, which degraded their power.