Unit : (possible name) stats attack-defence-move (bombard-range-rof) special flags cost resources upgrade notes Defensive line: 1st era defender: ( Edain Militia ) 1-3-1 20 shields Upgrades to second era defender: 2nd Era Defender: (Spearman) 2-5-1 30 shields iron upgrades to 3rd era defender 3rd era defender: (Pikeman) 3-7-1 50 shields iron upgrades to 4th era defender 3rd era mithril defender: (Mithril Pikeman) A seperate unit must be built new, adds 20 shields cost for +1 +1 +0 4-8-1 ZOC 70 sheilds mithril *(iron?) reccommend not as those without iron should have another option. upgrades to 4th era mithril defender 4th era defender: (Armoured Pikeman) 5-9-1 ZOC, *(perhaps also radar) 90 shields Iron The good peoples (gondor, Arnor, perhaps Rohan, should have an upgrade of this unit, perhaps with out GA ability) 4th era mithril defender: (Ithildin Pikeman) 6-10-1 ZOC, *(perhaps also radar) 110 shields Mithril, *(iron?) All the above units are foot units, wheeled, and are draftable. Offensive foot line: 1st era elementary: (Early warrior) 2-2-1 10 shields Upgrades to first era attacker 1st era attacker: (Axman) 5-2-1 30 shields *(iron?) Reccommend not -- just because. don't know why. Upgrades to 2nd era attacker looked at the units list, will need an extra unit somewhere in here unless we want an era without an offensive unit 2nd era attacker: (Swordsman) 8-3-1 45 Shields Iron Upgrades to third era attacker 3rd era attacker: (Long Swordsman) 11-4-1 ZOC 70 Shields Iron Upgrades to 4th era attacker 3rd Era Mithril attacker: (Mithril Attacker) 12-5-1 ZOC 90 Shields MIthril Upgrades to 4th era mithril attacker 4th era attacker: (Heavy Footman) 17-5-1 90 Shields ZOC, Radar Iron 4th era mithril attacker: (Mithril Heavy Footman) 18-6-1 110 Shields ZOC, Radar Mithril All the above units are foot units and wheeled. Cavalry line: 1st Era Cavalry: (Horseman) 3-1-2 Blitz, Radar 30 shields Horses Upgrades to 2nd era cavalry late 2nd era Cavalry: (Cavalry) 6-2-2 Blitz, Radar 60 Shields Horses, Iron Upgrades to late 3rd era cavalry Late 2nd era mithril Cavalry (Mithril Cavalry) 7-3-2 Blitz, Radar 80 shields Mithril, Horses upgrades to late 3rd era mithril cavalry Late 3rd era cavalry (Knight) 8-4-2 Blitz, ZOC, Radar 90 Shields Horses, Iron Late 3nd era mithril Cavalry (Mithril Knight) (Ithildin Knight?) 9-5-2 Blitz, ZOC, Radar 110 shields Mithril, Horses All the above units are wheeled. Missle Line 1st era missle: (Skirmisher) 3-1-1 (3-0-1) 20 shields upgrades to 2nd era missle 2nd era missle: (Bowman) 5-2-1 (5-0-1) 40 shields upgrades to 2nd era missle 3rd era missle: (Archer) 8-3-1 (10-0-1) ZOC 65 shields upgrades to 4th era missle 4th era missle: (Longbowman) 10-4-1 (12-0-1) ZOC 80 shields All the above units are wheeled. Auxilliary units: Worker: (Worker) 0-0-1 wheeled, does worker jobs 10 shields, 1 pop upgrades to laborer another question up for debate-- should we have a more advanced worker in the later two eras with 2 moves? early 2nd era ranged siege: (Catapult or Ballista) 0-0-1 (8-1-1) 30 shields Timber Upgrades to early 3rd era ranged siege early 3rd ear ranged Siege: (Advanced Catapult or Catapult) 0-0-1 (12-1-1) 60 Shields Timber Upgrades to early 4th era ranged siege early 4th era ranged siege: (Fire Catapult or Trebuchet) 0-0-1 (16-2-2) 100 Shields Timber early 2nd era battering siege: (Battering Ram) 0-0-1 (5-1-1) Precision bombing 20 shields Timber upgrades to early 3rd era battering siege: early 3rd era battering siege: (Capped Ram) 0-0-1 (9-1-1) Precision bombing 40 shields Timber upgrades to early 4th era battering siege: Early 4th era battering siege: (Siege Ram) 0-0-1 (12-1-1) Precision bombing 70 shields Timber Notes: You will be easily able to see how the unit lines are set up. The defense is set up as a defensive unit. The foot offensives are set up to go aginst cities, and thus have a offense about the same as that era's defense plus the possible defense bonus of that era. The cavlry is set up to beat just about anything in the field, espically with retreat bonuses. The archers are set up as counter-attack/defense bonus units. I thought that this seemed to be a decent way of representing things. The rams are obviously set up to take the AOK units. I'm not sure wether or not these have been ported or are usable. perhaps some other Rams have been made?